Exterior Painting Services
Expert Exterior Painters
We know how important the exterior of your home, business, or condo can be for effective first impressions. You can improve the curb appeal of your residential or commercial property with outstanding exterior painter services from Angeleu Enterprises LLC painting services. Our experienced interior and exterior house painters are ready to assist you every step of the way, from selecting and ordering paint colors and scheduling the painters, to completing your painting job flawlessly.
All Painting Services Backed By A Warranty!
Exterior Painting At Every Step From Start To Finish
We never cut corners to save time. All areas that will be painted are pressure washed beforehand to ensure proper adherence and a clean finish. When painting, we as professional painters make sure that paint stays where it’s supposed to be. We will mask and protect as needed to avoid overspray and ensure clean cuts.
- Masking and sealing all windows, doors, and bricks
- Caulking and sealing cracks, seams, and joints
- Rotten wood repairs or replacements
- Blistering and peeling paint removal
- Repair and tighten trim as needed
- Mildew removal with bleach
- Pressure Washing & Sanding
- Priming all surfaces
Exterior Painting At Every Step From Start To Finish
We never cut corners to save time. All areas that will be painted are pressure washed beforehand to ensure proper adherence and a clean finish. When painting, we make sure that paint stays where it’s supposed to be. We will mask and protect as needed to avoid overspray and ensure clean cuts.
- Masking and sealing all windows, doors, and bricks
- Caulking and sealing cracks, seams, and joints
- Rotten wood repairs or replacements
- Blistering and peeling paint removal
- Repair and tighten trim as needed
- Mildew removal with bleach
- Pressure Washing & Sanding
- Priming all surfaces
Monday – Friday
7:00AM – 5:00PM
Serving Residential & Commercial
Massachusetts & New Hampshire